Monday, April 13, 2009

Thought for the Day.

Giles Fraser, the vicar of Putney in London, was giving this morning's "Thought for the Day" on BBC radio 4's "Today" programme. He took issue with those Christians who emphasise the significance of the Cross. He said that such an emphasis "left the resurrection 'with nothing to do'!" It seems rather self evident to me that you cannot have the resurrection without first having the cross and actually, when you think about it, the cross gives profound meaning and significance to the resurrection.

But Giles clearly has an issue with the Cross as "all about violence and retribution". In a way, that is not unusual, many people (such as Steve Chalke etc) find the atonement concept outrageous. They will say that it is fundamentally unjust but I think what they actually baulk at is the neccesity of the Cross. Human nature is not so bad that any atonement is neccesary; which is a Humanist worldview rather a Christian one.

For Giles the Cross is an example of Christ sharing in humanity's suffering... please do not misuderstand me, that is perfectly true and I am not denying it, but while it is the truth and nothing but the truth it is not the whole truth. Jesus himself said that his death would have a much richer, far deeper meaning than that, the Cross is not a later theological construct as some allege.

The thing is what really struck me was that Giles sounded so angry about it all - there was some venom in his delivery that astonished me. But perhaps I shouldn't be surprised because he was in the unfortunate position of proposing a poorer and shallower theology than the one he was attacking. Or maybe he was deliberately trying to be provocative.

No doubt some of my fellow Evangelicals might be considering penning a robust counter-attack. I hope that they will do so graciously in a way that will speak to him rather than merely confirm his preconceived ideas. We need to respond with grace if we are to defend the Gospel of Grace.

I notice that Giles Fraser also had a column in the Guardian newspaper on Saturday attacking the Cross in pretty much the same terms as Steve Chalke did a few years back when he described it as "cosmic child abuse". (Incidentally the media seems to have given a fair wind to this particular theological stance hasn't it?) Obviously it is difficult to gauge the tone of a written piece but, again, Giles does seem to be a very angry man.

The fact that an innocent party is punished in my place IS unfair and unjust. But this is an act done in the context of Trinitarian Christianity (it will make no sense outside such a worldview!) God willingly takes on HIMSELF the punishment rightly due to me. That is indeed unjust, but God is a God of Grace.... and grace is not about getting what I deserve - quite the contrary! Not only do I not receive what I do deserve, but I also receive what I do not deserve in exchange (the righteousness of Jesus himself!) and I have all the privileges that come with it. [God's Riches At Christ's Expense!]

One day we will all face God; are you going to front up to him and demand justice? Or like me you may not have such confidence in your own righteousness in which case you, like me, will not be asking for justice but asking for mercy and grace!

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