Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thursday, November 04, 2010

What is the opposite of Love? I've often heard people say 'hate' in reply to this question. Someone suggested 'indifference' - which is a little closer to the mark - but I believe the answer is 'self-love'. True love recognises that one is NOT the centre of the universe and that the focus is other than oneself. True love questions our concepts of 'autonomy', 'individuality' and 'self-actualisation'. If we primarily see relationships as a means to self-fulfillment then that is not love.

Peter Saunders - Christian Medical Comment: 'Christian Medical Comment' makes Jubilee Centre's...

Peter Saunders - Christian Medical Comment: 'Christian Medical Comment' makes Jubilee Centre's...: "The Jubilee Centre has just published a list of the seven best Christian blogs that seek to demonstrate the continued relevance of the Bible..."