Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Parochial Church Council.

I received a phone call the other day asking if I would consider joining the PCC at St Helen's; in reply I said "Power!.... Power at last! ...Ha Ha Ha! power! power!! power!!!....... HA HA HA!" or words to that effect.


M Laine said...

Your blog entry is a bit scarrry...! What does the PCC do and what would you be expected to do?

swiftypete said...

Hi Mari,
I was attempting to be a bit light hearted about the prospect of joining the PCC at St Helen's... playing the demented megalomaniac!

Basically I will be part of the decision making team within the church.

Do pray that we will be wise and gracious as we seek to guide the church over the next few years always conscious that this is not our church but Jesus Christ's.