Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Corpus Clock and 'The Years the Locust has Eaten'!

The Corpus Clock is a feature on the corner of Corpus Christi College in Cambridge. A giant locust eats the passing seconds and is described by John Taylor who conceived the clock as a "Chronophage" - literally a 'time eater'! There is an inscription in Latin which means 'the world passes away and the lust thereof', taken from 1 John 2 v17. Although this sentiment is true in itself my first thought on seeing this clock was to reflect on the wonderful promise in the Old Testament book of 'Joel' in 2 v25 which says 'I will restore to you the years the locust has eaten!' As creatures we are limited by time, but those who trust in the Lord need not be tyrannised by time!

Friday, June 08, 2012

'These are the Days of Elijah' a poem by Peter Swift.

These are the days of Elijah,
the prophets' word restored,
new apostles arising
bring us the Word of the Lord.

All the options covered,
be vague and so obscure,
selective recall, hindsight
the prophets word made sure.

These are the days of Elijah,
false prophets' palms are greased,
seers consulted like tarot,
the sheep exist to be fleeced.