In so far as the watching world takes any
interest in Christian doctrine it should
come as no surprise that the subject of
"penal substitution" is the one to come
under the fiercest attack.
"Penal substitution" is the belief that
on the cross Jesus bore the punishment
rightly due to sinful humanity in their
place. From first to last the sacrifice of
Jesus is about God's love and mercy
towards an undeserving mankind. As
such it is hardly surprising that it should
be so vehemently attacked for it
presupposes that we need rescuing...
principally from God Himself.
In recent days there has been a furore in
the media surrounding comments made by
the Dean of St Albans attacking this belief.
His supporters have also waded in. And,
unsurprisingly my fellow Evangelicals have
risen to the bait. The media love this sort
of argy-bargy; it makes for great theatre
and perhaps that's why the Dean was
invited to speak on BBC radio... it would
entertain the listeners and give the Dean
a 'puff'. (Pun intended!)
While it is tempting to want equal air time
to rebut the Dean's opinions I personally
have the gravest doubts about the wisdom
of joining in a public fracas - TV & Radio
are not conducive to thoughtful exposition
of Christian doctrine. These are media
suited to the instant 'sound bite', not to
considered reflection. Beyond showing
that evangelicals are correct, we will only
win such arguments by demonstrating
that our theology is much deeper and far
richer and ultimately more life changing
than the Dean's views. You can't do that in
a sound bite! Our opponents can achieve
their aims: we cannot.
By participating in media argy bargy we
may score points within our own
constituency but we often fail to connect
with the wider audience; we concede a
propaganda coup to our opponents and we
confer the benediction of 'impartiality' to
a media that is anything but. The best
response is to faithfully teach the Bible, as
we always have, from the public pulpit and
graciously refuse to be so easily baited.
I believe that we should respond with the
care and the grace our doctrine of "penal
substitution" demands of us - and so shame
those who claim the mantle of Christ and yet
misrepresent this most wonderful of all
Christian doctrines.
ps 15-April-07.
There is a new book out which comes with a
great recommendation (I've ordered it!)
rediscovering the glory of penal substitution",
by Steve Jeffery, Mike Ovey & Andrew Sach.
Published by IVP.
Wise words Swiftypete! But it's not just the media that is the problem, or Christians getting sucked in. It is also that apparently sincere, Bible believing Christians have sent Jeffrey John abusive hate mail. What on earth does that achieve? I certainly cannot see the likeness of Christ in that behaviour.
Thank you 'El Fouche' for those very helpful comments - I'm really glad that someone raised this important issue.
I totally agree with you; it is
absolutely deplorable that anyone claiming to be a Christian could
indulge in sending abusive letters to anyone, but I'm not entirely surprised - pharisaism is alive and well in our neck of the woods!
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