Saturday, April 21, 2007

The 144,000.

Central Focus Bible Studies follow the
academic year and last term we concluded
our look at the book of Revelation.This
coming term we will be studying "The Upper
Room Discourse" (John 14-17). We have an
introductory talk on Wednesday 25th April
starting at 8pm at St Andrew's in St Mary
Axe, next to "The Gherkin" in the City of
London. If you are in the vicinity why not
drop in?

But before we move on from Revelation
I have a couple of observations I would
like to pass on to blogworld.
I led our group's study on Revelation
chapter 7 when we considered the
significance of "The 144,000"!
Is this a literal number? Or is it a
metaphor? The Jehovah's Witnesses
have gotten into any number of
twists and turns over this, but so
too have some of my brethren. The
real mystery is why has it produced
such bafflement? Because the very
same passage includes clues about
how it should be understood!

First up; the list of names suggesting
"Israel", isn't as straight forward as it
looks - which any modest student of
the Bible already knows.

The key to understanding it as a
metaphor is that it "says" it is a
metaphor! John "hears" the number
'144,000' and their "Names" - but
when he sees he sees a countless
number from all tribes and nations!
All literalists are stuck at this point
[to them the passage simply describes
what "is"] they do not see the meaning

"What does '144,000' mean?" I asked at
our Bible study. "It's the complete
number" someone said, " it's twelve
times twelve times one thousand -
the superlative complete number!"

"That is absolutely right!" I replied,
"but that is what the number IS,
the question is, what does the number

Obviously my telepathy wasn't all it
could be as I was met with a pregnant
pause! "What do we mean by a
superlative complete number?" I went

"Why is it 12,000 - 12,000 - 12,000 etc?
Why not 11,999?

Obviously the group was stumped so I
put in my answer - in all that countless
number no one is missing! Everyone who
is meant to be there, will be there! And
furthermore they will be there by name!
Not a single one will be missing!

1 comment:

swiftypete said...

No Freeloaders, please!