Thursday, February 25, 2010

Melvyn Bragg on Calvinism.

I really enjoy the BBC Radio 4 programme "In Our Time" with Melvyn Bragg. With a few invited experts he will discuss some esoteric subject for 45 minutes and help his audience to stretch their intellectual reach. I love the series as a whole.

Today Melvyn and his guests discussed Calvinism. I suppose I always feel rather cheated when the media tackle some Christian theme because they often focus on the socio-political aspects of the topic ,which is fair enough as far as it goes, but it is often to the exclusion of all else.

Sadly this programme ran true to form; the biographical details were covered, tick; the psycho-social aspects were explored, tick; and the political implications were discussed, tick. But I find it hard to conceive how one can talk about Calvinism without adequately discussing the theology of Grace!

All these other themes - as valid as they are - are actually peripheral. It would be like discussing the American Revolution, the characters and battles, but fail to discuss the underlying political philosophy.... the reason behind it all.

It is frustrating to be an informed listener when the media's experts, as erudite as they are, haven't really got to the heart of the matter. But maybe I shouldn't be so surprised because grace is a very difficult subject to grasp............

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