Friday, December 04, 2009


There is a proposal in Uganda to pass a law which would include the ultimate sanction against homosexuals.
From an Evangelical Christian perspective I have never understood the church invoking the methods of the world to make people behave as if they are Christian. Such lobbying, at home and abroad, effectively substitutes law instead of grace, judgment instead of mercy and belies our professed trust in the sovereignty of God. When we use the methods of the world, or approve of them, we are in danger of bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ into disrepute.
In the final analysis only Christ can change people's hearts and these sorts of Post-Millennialist projects to enculturate non-believers into Christianity leaves me cold.
"Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts", Zechariah 4 v6.


David Fredrickson said...

Well said. Religion always has a way of perverting love and grace and regressing to rules and dead works in general. Ever since Ignatious reacted to heresy by putting leadership control over Christian gatherings believers have resorted to managing people and confining grace,love and any other attribute of God to little boxes that little minds can handle.

dlc79 said...

Well said, but do you mean replaces grace with law (I think that you meant to say 'law instead of grace').

swiftypete said...

Thanks DLC79 you are quite correct!