Return from Africa!
I arrived back from Nairobi a couple of hours ago. In all our "MEAK" team did 17 operations on children with congenital heart defects including some of the more complex procedures yet attempted; Truncus, TGA etc.
Sadly one of our patients died midweek which was a low point for us all. We did have our successes - a baby girl with a huge VSD and failing heart had no clear left lung fields on X-Ray. Not only was her heart huge but she also had a raging chest infection. We did physio on her and suctioned out lots of gluey secretions. This is her X-Ray now - hurrah! we have some air on the left side!
The other highlight was that we did the first ever "Switch" for Transposition of the Great Arteries ever attempted in Kenya.
I'll write more about all of this but right now I'm exhausted after a sixty-five hour week and this will have to suffice for now!
Great work, Pete!
It was all team-work!
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