Tuesday, July 07, 2009

7/7 Bombings.

Today is the fourth anniversary of the 7/7 Bombings in London in 2005. Three tube trains and a bus were bombed killing over 50 people.
I heard this on the news in the late morning of 7th July 2005 and phoned work saying that I was available if required.... I do have an 'Adult' qualification as well as 'Paediatric' and wondered if the PICU might have to act as an overflow from Adult ITU. I was asked to help cover the night shift - with the transport system closed down it was probably going to be impossible for a lot of our staff to physically get in to work anyway on PICU. I even volunteered to put up people from the day shift in our house if they couldn't get home.
As it turned out the transport system was up and running by evening, and everyone who was due in for work turned up. I wasn't actually needed. I went in anyway.
I never felt so proud to be a Londoner!

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