LUCA - our part time cat!
Readers of this blog will remember that
last Summer we were adopted by a cat we
called Luca and I thought that it was time
to give you all an update.
Last year I put a collar on her (along with
our phone number) and the curious thing
was after a few weeks she pitched up with
someone else's collar (sans contact details)!
Hmmm... I can't help feeling that the little
minx was out for some free veterinary
treatment! Not that we begrudge her that
because we've grown very fond of her.
Taking a pet to the vet's was a whole new
experience for me. The pets created a
bond between all the people in the
waiting room - unlike any similar
situation I've been in for sure. A little girl
came over to me and said how lovely my cat
was and I got to tell her Luca's story (normally
the little girl would probably have been
discouraged [quite rightly!] from approaching
strange men!) One chap was there with an
elderly spaniel - he was quite tearful: the dog
had been his mother's who had passed
away the year before and now the dog
itself was ill. He had brought it in to be
put down. I really felt for him; this wasn't
just an animal it was a family member and
a connection with his mother!
Despite Luca's shenanigans she still comes
by - and when its wet she'll curl up by the
radiator and sleep before heading off to
her mystery home in the evening.
She claimed a fleecy blanket as her own.
Luca stood on it, purring like crazy and
spent half-an-hour gently kneading it
with her paws. A cat loving friend said
that that could be a sign that she was
deprived of her mother at an early age.
But then again this was the same expert
who was convinced Luca was a tom cat!
(We had originally called her Lucas
until we realised our mistake!)
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