Monday, March 19, 2007


The book of Revelation consists of seven
cycles of seven. After each of the 'sevens'
we get an action replay - taken from a
slightly different angle (which is why
there are so many "final" battles!) The
sequence can be charted as follows (with
the relevant chapters in brackets):-

Prologue (1)...........Letters (2-3) = 1st 7.
Interlude (4-5)......Seals (6) = 2nd 7.
Interlude (7).........Trumpets (8-9) = 3rd 7.
Interlude (10-11)...Beasts (12-14) = 4th 7.
Interlude (15)........Plagues (16) = 5th 7.
Interlude (17-18)...Visions (19-20) = 6th 7.
[No Interlude] Final 'Sabbath' Consummation.

Once one realises that the book isn't linear
but a series of repeating cycles then its
message and meaning become much clearer.
The book is not a Christian version of
Nostradamus, which is how it is often abused,
it is exactly what the author says it is; "The
Revelation of Jesus Christ" 1v1.

When our focus starts to slip from Jesus and
draws us into speculative conspiracy theories
alarm bells should start to ring! If the focus
isn't Jesus the message can't be Christian can

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