Monday, January 01, 2007

Epilogue to an Agnostic Calendar.

Followers of this blog will recall that for
Christmas 2005 I was given an agnostic calendar
which featured quotations from a variety of
sources, the purpose of which was (I assume) to
challenge, in a gentle way, my trust in Jesus.
Over the course of 2006 we have been examining
those quotes which often touched on the handful
of issues most frequently raised by people in
conversation with Christians.

Early on I decided to make good use of these
quotations as material for my 'blog'. The
calendar, which I impishly called "The Calendar
of Doom", was just too good not to make more of.
Even though my agnostic friend had not required
a reply it struck me that it would be a 'poor
show' if I had nothing to say by way of rebuttal.
This doesn't neccesarily mean that my arguments
win the day, it merely indicates that I'm prepared
to answer back. This could be because I am a
naturally supercilious sort of person, or it may
mean that I genuinely believe in the merit of
Jesus Christ, or it might, confusingly, be both of
these, in which case I hope that my ego does not
obscure the truth (that might make me a hypocrite
- but it wouldn't make me wrong!) And you, dear
reader, will have to work that one out.

Having concluded "The Calendar of Doom" series
I'd like to end with this epilogue by saying
how much I benefitted from the exercise, and yet
the most striking aspect of these quotations
is how many were founded on a false premise.
This is surprising because one would logically
think that there should be sufficient grounds
for disagreement without recourse to invention.

It is fair to say that the God my agnostic
friend doesn't believe in I don't believe in

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