Friday, October 20, 2006


My name is Luca and I am a stray cat.I think my
previous owners must have got bored with me.
It's not uncommon for Humans to take us to a
strange part of town and drive off. I had to live
rough for a while.

One rainy day I wandered into someone's garden
and peered in through the french windows. I must
have looked a sorry sight - dripping wet and half

I don't blame Pete & Helen for not feeding me
straight away because they probably thought I
had a home to go to. I stayed in their garden in
the meantime cos it's quiet there. Anyway they
gave me some food when they could see how
thin I'd become. After that I couldn't keep away.
I'd eat anything back in those days. I love roast
chicken - definately my favourite - let me know
the next time you're cooking and I'll drop in for
dinner! I suppose it is fair to say that I've become
a bit more picky about my food these days; I'm not
so keen nowadays on 'Whiskas' Cod - if that's put
out for me I'll wander down the street to Shirley's
to see if there is a better offer!

Pete & Helen called me 'Lucas' at first until they
realised that I was a girl! I have a lovely black
and white coat which is nicely complemented by
a new red collar - it is so nice to feel that I 'belong'
to someone again!

What gets me is how capricious these Humans are.
One day just when I was beginning to feel a bit
more confident I was whisked away to an evil
place called the Veterinary Surgeon.

I was stabbed, poked, de-fleaed, de-wormed,
vaccinated and had THREE teeth extracted because
they had gone
" bad "

.......whatever that means. I was hopping mad
and sulked for days! They said
" it was for my own good "
- yeah right. They said all this
" treatment "cost them £300 - I have no comprehension
whatsoever what this means. I suppose I just have to
take their word for it on
" faith "!

It's enough to make you doubt the goodness of Man!

PostScript: 26th October 2006.
I might have misjudged Luca by implying that she is an
ungrateful cat. This morning when I returned home after
a night shift there was the biggest, deadest MOUSE laid
out on our doorstep!
Personally its not my taste, but I appreciate the sentiment!
To everyone out there in blog-world - I hope that your day
starts as fruitfully as mine!

Signed: a shamefaced cat owner.

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