Thursday, September 07, 2006


Last week I had my 49th Birthday. To mark the occasion I thought
I would quote something which (I think) Bob Hope once said;

"When you are 20 you care desperately what other people think of
you. When you are 40 you are past caring what other people think
of you. When you are 60 you realise that other people were never
thinking about you in the first place".

I wish I'd thought of saying that!

In 1985 I spent a few months with "Youth with a Mission" at Holmsted
Manor in England doing a "Discipleship Training Course" (a mini pre-
Toronto Toronto if you get my drift). 1987-88 I went on to do a year
at The King's Lodge at the "School of Biblical Studies" under Charlie
Bassett which provided a much needed counter balance to the
previous charismania and helped give me a superb overview of the

Have you noticed how a lot of parachurch organisations emphasise the
"youff" element? YWAM [pronounced why-wham incidentally], Youth
for Christ, Teen Challenge, Campus Crusade, Young Life etc to name
but a few. Now that I've hit middle age, what groups are aimed at the
likes of us?
I want to flag up the possibility of launching a new organisation called
OGWAM....Old Geezers with a Mission. If you think that this is a good
idea please send fabulous amounts of money to my off-shore bank

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