Monday, July 17, 2006

Christian Intolerance Rightly

"In any final analysis, it is clear everything that is good,
true and beautiful has it's origin in God, mediated to men
through that living word who has been from eternity the
revealer of the God-head.
"Did he not say that he is the light that lighteth every man?
The Christian then can trace all that is best in non-christian
religions to it's ultimate source and origin and give him
thanks. Similarly, all that is evil, false and unlovely comes
from below, for God is light and in him is no darkness at
"These other religions then, like so much else in the world
of men, are made up of elements whose ultimate origins are
diverse. But in so far as these diverse elements have been
welded into systems which serve only to divert and keep
men from that way of salvation and life which cost God
himself the incarnation and the cross, the Christian must
regard them as satanic substitutes, however good they may
be in parts. This intolerance, if intolerance it be, is not that
of a sectarian and insensitive spirit, but is necessarily inherent
in the nature of the Christian message."

Professor Norman Anderson in the preface to "The World's

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