Saturday, March 11, 2006


When I started this blog last August I thought
I'd chosen a pretty good blog-name. I figured
it was original and sounded quite techno savvy
for a middle-aged "info-peasant"! I was keen
to create a really interesting blog.

Of course I quickly realised that "swiftypete" was
NOT original. Others had also thought of it much
to my chagrin. There is a Pittsburgh Steelers fan
[well done on winning the NFL Superbowl by
the way] called swiftyPETE and an aussie film
reviewer known as Swiftypete - with a capital
'S' - [whose taste is very different from mine].*

I don't want to prejudice my chances of yet having
exclusive use of this name but I think my ambitions
are much more modest now - I can aim to be one of
the top 100 swiftypete blogs!!!

*postscript: 12/12/2006; I have written the occasional
film review myself to wind up my rival! Remember my
name is all lower case!

1 comment:

swiftypete said...

Thanks Allen,
I appreciate you stopping by!
God Bless.