Sunday, December 18, 2005

"Sharia by Stealth" Conspiracy Theory.

There seems to be an idea currently being peddled
around evangelical circles in the UK of a rather
unsavoury conspiracy; that Muslims are (over time)
seeking to take over the country and subvert it's
democratic institutions.

This notion has been put about by a couple of lobby
groups who have their own agendas and who
are attempting to garner support for themselves
from among Evangelical Christians by appealing to
base populism. Personally I am intensely
suspicious of the motives of anyone using such fears
as a persuader. "By their fruit you shall know them".

As an Evangelical Christian I wish to make it clear
that such groups do not speak on my behalf nor,
in my view, do they have the right to claim to speak on
behalf of Evangelical Christians generally. Their
message of gracelessness and fear is totally antithetical
to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and it is corrosive to our
witness to the onlooking world. I would urge
discerning Christians to graciously show these
interlopers the door.


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